And the sewing continues. Just attended a quilt workshop offered by ‘Het Naaicafe‘ (The Sewing Shop) were I learned a few of the different techniques of quilting. By the end of the workshop I made a patchwork (top layer of a quilt) pillow case using the crazy quilt technique. As I have been told, I…
Sewing 101
With September issue long gone and fashion week now becoming a distant memory. It looks like I am entering the autumn/winter dip of fashion. But while on the surface it seems like nothing is happening in the fashion world, there is a lot of things happening behind the scenes. The dresses the designers drew up…
National Glamour Day
Apologies for not blogging in a few weeks, but I brings gifts. Well more like I bought gifts for myself. But you can fully enjoy the benefit of seeing me looking fabulous. I went on a shopping spree, one that left me broke for the next few months. Just like every true shopaholic I rationalized every…
Reading the novel Elegance by Katleen Tessaro, I was inspired to write this blog post. What is elegance? The dictionary discribes elegance as the following: elegance or elegancy (ˈɛlɪɡəns) — n , pl -gances , -gancies 1. dignified grace in appearance, movement, or behaviour 2. good taste in design, style, arrangement, etc 3….